BEVERAGE ALCOHOL TRAINING (BAT) SCHEDULE & REGISTRATION Reservations for Beverage Alcohol Trainings (BAT) are currently being accepted. Classes instructed via Zoom Conference will be limited in number of attendees in order to ensure participation and understanding by all. Attendees must have a working camera and microphone that should remain on throughout the class. To ensure high quality and understanding by participants, they will be instructed live by our head trainer. The following dates and times have been scheduled with more dates to be determined. The number of attendees in the class is limited. Please call the MPSA office at 508-366-1100 to reserve your spot. Click here to download and print a Registration Form for the class. NEXT BAT CLASS February 24th, 2025 @ 6:00PM This class will be conducted virtually via Zoom Conference. Please have an updated version of Zoom software available on your devise prior to the start of class. If the class is already full, you will be notified and added to a waitlist. Space is limited in the classes, and they fill up quickly. REGISTRATION Email or call 508-366-1100 if you have any questions or need additional information. Click here to download and print a Registration Form for the class. Submit by Mail: Massachusetts Package Stores Association 30 Lyman Street, Suite 2 Westborough, MA 01581
Submit by Fax: 508-366-1104
Call the MassPack Office with any Questions: 508-366-1100